Tuesday, December 23, 2014

mim ya sin sin

I miss a friend who nag at me most of the time. Even it was annoying, still I know u care abt me.
I miss a friend who would tell me her problems anytime. Even sometimes it was hard to bear my ears,still I know I am the most trusted person for u.
I miss a friend when I was sick, she will forced me immediately to go to the hospital, even I dont want to.
I miss a friend when she knew if I was wrong, she would immediately speak and be honest to me.
I miss everything abt us.

If you are one of any mention above, I just want to apologize and thank to you a lot.
Maybe I wasnt a good friend to you, but you are the best friend I ever have.

Only in hard times, you will know who your real friend are.

Sunday, November 2, 2014


Today in our happy circle..
We did a simple activity.
But the message was Subhanallah...
That's why I want to share it with u, the people i treasure *menangis skrg*

Maybe you can try it with your luveleyh rumate, but if you do it in a bigger group such as ur housemate, usrahmate, it will be more fun.
The more the merrier.
No people listed as above? Play with the wall then. Kbye.

The activity:
Put a piece a paper in your back.
Ask your friends to write anything about your good personality that they had always jelly with.
and you also need to write anything that you had always jelly with their good personality.
after everyone had done it, keep the paper to yourself.
Read it later when you are alone.

To me, what people had wrote abt me, i found it strange.
Out of 5 they had wrote, I never think any of them as my strength.

Sometimes, people think that they are the most pabo(stupid) creature in this world,
sometimes people think that they are weak, they do not have strong will, they are rude
and blaaaaaa...

What I get is, do not think something bad abt urself, be grateful.
There are always some people around you who are jelly much for who you are.

jelly much??? *tade kaitan*

Friday, October 31, 2014

Are u a cat?

Aegi is a cat.
She woke up everyday,
but perhaps when the sun was right above the sky.
Fulfilling her belly,
and Doing things she enjoys the most.
of course playing

with her owner.
without even realizing the world was getting dark again.

She continued doing the same thing at night,
and fall asleep when she feel so.

Living like an animal.
She hate herself.

She feel sad. She did cry sometimes.
Why she was created? Was it just to be cute and playing around?
What she have really done for others and the world?
Perhaps, what she have really done for herself?

Deep in her heart. She knows that something is wrong somewhere.
She knows what is it.
but as she had transformed into an animal,
she cant even think which one is good or bad for her.

Until a day, She is diagnosed with cirrhosis.
Hard. Nonfunctional. Disarranged.
Too bad on that time.
The owner didnt even want to play with her anymore. Perhaps playing with another cats he owned.
And sadly she died just like that with full of regret.

"Hai orang-orang yang beriman, taatlah kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya, dan janganlah kamu berpaling daripada-Nya, sedang kamu mendengar (perintah-perintah-Nya), dan janganlah kamu menjadi sebagai orang-orang (munafik) yang berkata: "Kami mendengarkan, padahal mereka tidak mendengarkan." Sesungguhnya binatang (makhluk) yang seburuk-buruknya pada sisi Allah ialah orang-orang yang pekak dan tuli yang tidak mengerti apa-apa pun. Kalau kiranya Allah mengetahui kebaikan ada pada mereka, tentulah Allah menjadikan mereka dapat mendengar. Dan jika Allah menjadikan mereka dapat mendengar, niscaya mereka pasti berpaling juga, sedang mereka memalingkan diri (dari apa yang mereka dengar itu)." (QS. Al-Anfaal [8] : 20-23)

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Jangan sombong dengan DIA

In 3 days, insya-Allah i will be back to Malaysia again.YEAY!

Just a reminder to myself and can be you too^^,
kot2 balik Malaysia lupa daratan nampak makanan bagai..masa lapang yg membunuh pun banyak sangat,

He THE ONLY ONE who understand you the most,
When you think everything is impossible,
To the extent that you think you want to repeat the whole year again,
But, now I have only 1 paper left...

I remember a phrase i read in 9gag..lol:
"If he can eliminate the world with one blow, for sure he can eliminate your problem like..petik jari..haaa..."
(bunyi ala2 mcm tu la)

That's why, JANGAN SOMBONG dengan ALLAH...

Nak share ayat sikit dari surah Al A'raf

12. Allah berfirman: “Apakah yang menghalangimu untuk bersujud (kepada Adam) di waktu aku menyuruhmu?” Menjawab iblis “Saya lebih baik daripadanya: Engkau ciptakan saya dari api sedang Dia Engkau ciptakan dari tanah”.
13. Allah berfirman: “Turunlah kamu dari surga itu; karena kamu sepatutnya menyombongkan diri di dalamnya, Maka keluarlah, Sesungguhnya kamu Termasuk orang-orang yang hina”.
Selamat Berpuasa da n menunaikan Ibadah. Semoga Amal2 Kita diredhaiNya.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Moh Puasa!!!

Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah.
Sebab dipertemukan dengan Ramadhan tahun ni...

Walaupun macam2 perkara berlaku, hypoxia la, hypomagnesemia la, panic attack la
Sampai rasa mcm dah xkan sempat je nak jumpa Ramadhan tahun ni,
Apa2 pun, Allah Maha berkuasa memanjangkan umur seseorang hambaNya.
dan harapnya bila diberi peluang lagi, gunalah nikmat itu sebaiknya :D

dan Alhamdulillah dipermudahkan exam setakat ni. One more to go.
And then kembali di Bumi Malaysia memenuhkan ruang2 bazar ramadhan =.=".

And Alfatihah to my brother in law's father. Mati dalam tidur. Hari Jumaat. One day before Ramadhan. May Allah bless him.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Look and Smile - for now and future

Maybe there are some times when you feel down to the most and impossible to move forward.
But remember,
there're plenty moments when you smile and laugh a lot after that. Then, you forget what are the hardships were. So...go thru it. It's nothing

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Beruang Ia

24 hours +++
Bear it.
Dont even give up without trying.
Whatever happens, remember and always remember, He knows the best.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Indeed: Give The Best You Have

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self entered.
Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.

People really need help but may attack if you do help them.
Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.

Kate M Keith, The Silent Revolution: Dynamic Leadership in the Student Council

Friday, March 21, 2014

23 tahun 1 hari

23 tahun dulu, entah dah boleh buka mata ke x...
Hati pun suci gebu dan murni lagi...xmacam skrg, mngkin dgn xRay Allah boleh nampakla necrosis dgn abscess siap

Mami: 23 dah? Mami dulu anak dah dua orang siap sorg ada dlm perot lagi! (saya lettew)

Zaman nabi dulu, umur 23 dah banyak pegi perang,
Ada orang umur 23, Al-quran lancar di lidah tersemat di hati
ada orang umur 23, dah pegang ijazah ngan dah kerja
ada orang umur 23, dah bawak usrah

SAYA? *senyum awkward*

doakan saya kawen awal...mungkin apa yg ditulis atas ni, LANSUNG tak tercapai lagi skrg...
tapi alhamdulillah sangat, insyaAllah, Dia tak tolak saya dah harapnya kawan2 jugak jauh daripadaNya...jadi, jom berusaha lagi! setiap orang ada rezeki,kelebihan dan nikmat yg berbeza...

azam umur meningkat: kurangkan merungut, banyakkan bersyukur, tingkatkan prestasi..jiyeahh! eh..amin!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Semangat sikit

Always being left alone?
It's ok Yana.

Allah sentiasa bersama dengan hamba-Nya.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Perkara Paling Susah: Sabar

“Maukah aku ceritakan kepadamu tentang sesuatu yang menyebabkan Allah memuliakan bangunan dan meninggikan derajatmu? Para sahabat menjawab, tentu. Rasul bersabda, ‘Kamu bersikap sabar (hilm) kepada orang yang membencimu, memaafkan orang yang berbuat zhalim kepadamu, memberi kepada orang yang memusuhimu, dan menghubungi orang yang telah memutuskan silaturrahim denganmu.’” (HR Thabrani)

Maafkanlah hamba-Mu ketika sedih dan marah terhadap perkara yang tidak bermanfaat baginya...

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wien 1.0

Nak travel tapi masa tak mngizinkan? Nak makan sedap2 tapi xcukup duit? Perlukan healing camp selepas musim exam walaupun sebenarnya exam pn complete lg? eh? Jangan risau. Travel la macam kiteorang!!! HAHA. Awkward.

Decide nak pegi arini, esok tros pegi. Nais! Skype ngan mami kata nak g jalan2 yg prjalanannya ala2 dr rumah nak pegi ke Golok gittew. Ces. Tampar sikit. N alhamdulillah dimurahkan rezeki, kos pegi balik + hotel lebih kurang 40 euro..je? Worth it for 2 days and 2 night travel.

Since tujuan utama kiteorang pegi vienna ni adalah sbg healing camp, maka aktiviti utama adalah MAKAN, MAKAN dan MAKAN!

 mission utama  KFC halal aku sampai! 

 kedai ni seriously like seriously recommended! mission next: carik branch ni kat prague!

 picture says it all 

mister lob lob lob. Mahal kene kongsi separuh dua orang sobs :(

But apart from food, I think Vienna is really2 a nice place to visit for those who have deep interest in architecture, music (mozart's and beethoven) and also blahblahblah

N actually part yang paling menggembirakan hati is that kiteorang jumpa MASJID! I mean a real masjid with kubah! sangat cantik plus tepi sungai pulak tu....aaa...terubat rindu windu

also for those who like to skates (highfive!), vienna is highly recommended sebab ada ice rink yang sangat besau! mencabar sampaitergolek! cantik ala2 disney ice frozen gitttew!

Oh! Vienna pun also famous dengan theme park dye. Mungkin sebab Czech tade theme park? Tapi since skrg ni musim sejuk and coldalwaysbothersmeanyway, maka tak banyaklah rides yang bukak. And the most famous one is its ferris wheel which is also called as "Eyes of Vienna"

 huargh...tade gamba sendiri sebab tade kuderat nak berdiri pn..tinggi kot! *sorry kak onew i gune gamba u ..mihmih*

and thats all! why 1.0? sebab iA 2.0 akan datang version vienna in summer plak...

Monday, January 20, 2014

Kaf Ta Ba

islam is beautiful when you can keep wanting to do more and more ibadah to Him.
islam are way more beautiful when a group of people can gather, and do ibadah together.
The feelings are hard to describe, you just need to do it.

It is the moment when you put all your world-related stuff away from you,
To me, the medical books, a cup of hot tea, foods, and songs :D
It is the moment when you disciplined yourself,
Like the slogan you need to hold, "Eat when you are not hungry, sleep when you are not sleepy"
The moment when you could reflect yourself,
The moment when you learn to be humble,
The moment when you think about others more than you

It is the moment between you and Him.

As a medical student, yes, it is hard for me to really devote myself into Him. To think about the upcoming exams, how many chapters do I need to read more, feeling scared, worrying things unnecessary sometimes made my life a bit far from Him. I know that it is wrong. But with all people thinking about exams environment, you just couldn't meet your friends with the only reasons of ukhwah fillah and to do ibadah together. There will always be the questions," Have you done your exam? What will be your upcoming exam? and bla.bla.bla" Sad isn't it?

But with Kataba, Subhanallah. You meet your friends, smiling, without knowing he/she passed their exams or not. You will not know what exams will they have. You are totally gathering, thinking about Him. Praising Him. Talking about Him. Until to a point, when you will feel at ease that nothing worries you anymore. The thing that you only worry is about Him. What you only want is the blessings from Him. No other than that. And that is the sweetest thing :D

What am I trying to say is actually try to gather with your friends. At first,it may seems impossible. But with your friends, by everytime reminding each other, insya-Allah. You would never know your limit until you try to do it so.

The theoretical part about kataba is here. and the practical part is up to you.

May Allah bless us on each and everything we do. Wallahualam.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Today, I fail my exam. Again

Before entering the exam, some of my friends said that they only studied like 2-3 days. Yeah, same as me. But they pass with A's and I failed. Is it because I am stupid? No.(eh, poyonya dia ni!) I would still say no even though people rarely fail this subject. And I would still say no even though I did attend the lectures and they dint. Then how could they pass but you dont?

I am not stupid in front of their eyes or others.
I am stupid in the view of my creator.
That's why He failed me. Because He wants me to learn.
Not becoming stupid for my whole life and having a bad ending in the afterlife.(Nauzubillah)
He loves his servant. He loves us.

What's the meaning of stupid in the view of the Allah our creator?
(8:22) Indeed the worst kind of all living creatures in the sight of Allah are the people that are deaf and dumb,17 and do not understand.
*17. These are the ones who neither hear nor speak the truth. So far as truth is concerned, their ears are deaf and their mouths dumb.


Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Musim Allah nak uji tahap kebergantungan hambaNya dah tiba!!!
8 Januari-Social Medicine
10 Januari-Repeat Credit Pathophysiology
15 Januari-Internal Medicine
27 Januari-Practical Microbe
29 Januari-Microbiology

Moga Allah permudahkan urusan kita dan redha dengan amalan sepanjang musim ni especially usaha2 kita.Seek for his help in everything what  we want to do. He would always be the nearest to us.

Hai orang-orang yang beriman, penuhilah seruan Allah dan seruan Rasul apabila Rasul menyeru kamu kepada suatu yang memberi kehidupan kepada kamu, ketahuilah bahwa sesungguhnya Allah membatasi antara manusia dan hatinya dan sesungguhnya kepada-Nya-lah kamu akan dikumpulkan. [Al-Anfal:24]

Kech-ING Bel-ING