Aegi is a cat.
She woke up everyday,
but perhaps when the sun was right above the sky.
Fulfilling her belly,
and Doing things she enjoys the most.
of course playing
without even realizing the world was getting dark again.
She continued doing the same thing at night,
and fall asleep when she feel so.
Living like an animal.
She hate herself.
She feel sad. She did cry sometimes.
Why she was created? Was it just to be cute and playing around?
What she have really done for others and the world?
Perhaps, what she have really done for herself?
Deep in her heart. She knows that something is wrong somewhere.
She knows what is it.
but as she had transformed into an animal,
she cant even think which one is good or bad for her.
Until a day, She is diagnosed with cirrhosis.
Hard. Nonfunctional. Disarranged.
Too bad on that time.
The owner didnt even want to play with her anymore. Perhaps playing with another cats he owned.
And sadly she died just like that with full of regret.
"Hai orang-orang yang beriman, taatlah kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya, dan janganlah kamu berpaling daripada-Nya, sedang kamu mendengar (perintah-perintah-Nya), dan janganlah kamu menjadi sebagai orang-orang (munafik) yang berkata: "Kami mendengarkan, padahal mereka tidak mendengarkan." Sesungguhnya binatang (makhluk) yang seburuk-buruknya pada sisi Allah ialah orang-orang yang pekak dan tuli yang tidak mengerti apa-apa pun. Kalau kiranya Allah mengetahui kebaikan ada pada mereka, tentulah Allah menjadikan mereka dapat mendengar. Dan jika Allah menjadikan mereka dapat mendengar, niscaya mereka pasti berpaling juga, sedang mereka memalingkan diri (dari apa yang mereka dengar itu)." (QS. Al-Anfaal [8] : 20-23)
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