Sunday, October 30, 2011

I always whine...sigh


I whine soo much.Like:
"Ish, budak tu main-main je xbelaja pon boleh past anatomy test..."
Then, my friend said,"Oh, dye budak repeat actually. Before this dye dah penah amek medik 2 taon" Forgive me, Allah.

"Bosan la makanan kat sini. Asik makan ayam je. Ikan daging xde pon...Muka pon dah jadi cam ayam"
Then, in the newspaper said,"Tiap-tiap hari, at least seorang kanak-kanak di somalia mati kebuluran" Forgive me, Allah.

"Ah, susahnya belajar ni. Kenapalah aku amek medik???Susahnya hidup kat negara orang ni..."
Then, a friend of mine during primary school said,"Bestnya ko dapat peluang amek medik. Akuxlayak pon. Sahkan nak g obersi" Forgive me, Allah.

And banyak lagi...-..-. Ya Allah, forgive me when I whine.

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