Tuesday, December 7, 2010

10 years..

I open up my eyes today...looking at the wall clock..hmm..pukul 11...ala, cuti..bese la tu..korang bajet bangon awal je kan...ak nampak kakak aku tengah mamam biskut..uik, xkeje ke?
my sis cakap,"keje apnya..?cuti kot"
oh, ari neyh awal muharram..
and then I realized...
"weyh..biar betik..dah 10 taon kot..!!!"

nak pegi tekan GDC..tatapi hampa..GDC dah abes bateri..huhu..
1422-1432..ye..aku xsalah...dah 10 tahon...

buat mummy, kakak, abang, amirul n alif...
dah 10 taon abah pegi tinggalkan kite...ak masih ingt, 10 taon lepas:
mami masih dengan gaya tudung zaman purbanya, abang still dengan nerdnya, kakak still ngan pipi tembamnya, ak still dengan perangai cm hantunya, amirul still dengan mainannya n alif still dengan mengira batang giginya...

but now...alhamdulillah, walaupon kite semua dah brubah n mmbesar walaupon aku xbesar2, but we still live as happy family,right?kalau abah tau, mesti abah bangga..hehe

buat abah, dont worry..we will never break this bond...i try to keep this bond ah hard as fullerence, graphite and diamond..acece...

-oh..mirul n alif xde..sapa suh korang lahir lambat..wahaha-

salam awal muharram semua..=)


  1. (to all kmbian better anda tukar mode anda kpd mode serius dan skema sebelum terus membaca. One more thing, I’m not a spammer. Ok now keep reading)

    Imagine anda ditegur ketika anda sedang berjalan somewhere in kmb. (just to make it real, haha) then suddenly…

    “Assalamualaikum , sorry for disturbing. Actually I’m collecting the data for my math HL portfolio. So, the data needed are as followed:
    •The amount spend at KOOP in a week( approximately)
    •The number of Maksu’s Ice-cream purchased in a week (you better know what’s maksu’s ice-cream is or I tell Mr. Badar then, haha)

    Ok thank you. Happy holiday.”

    (you can change back your mode.LOL. just leave your answers here or do visit my blog and leave it there)

  2. mo9R--konpem perempuan-spend about rm30 n aiskem 4..


Kech-ING Bel-ING